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Top 10 Common Mental Health Problems

  • Admin
  • October 17, 2023
  • 5 min read

Nowadays, mental health problems are common and most importantly, they silently affect every person’s life. Given this fast-going lifestyle, the least we are concerned about is our mental health. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), out of every 8 individuals globally, at least one suffers from a mental disorder. But, often we suppress our emotional needs and try to hide the disturbances in our thinking style. So, let’s have some insights about common mental health conditions that need more attention and help instead.

What Are Mental Health Disorders?

To start from the basics, many to date are ignorant about mental health. By definition, a mental health disorder means a kind of emotional vacuum. There are disturbances in thinking and leading a regular lifestyle. Many kinds of mental illnesses can be prevented or diagnosed if detected at the initial stages.

Here is a list of the top 10 mental health problems along with the solutions:

1) Anxiety Disorders

A certain level of anxiety is normal for human lives.  However, those having an anxiety disorder tend to intensely worry in every situation. This kind of anxiety is proportionately larger than the normal acceptable level. If not addressed at the right time, people with an anxiety disorder will face panic attacks or social phobias.

Symptoms: Some of the signs are nervous breakdown, tension, restlessness, shaking, sweating, feeling weak, insomnia, etc.


  • Overwhelming stress
  • Genetic factors like shyness from childhood, anxiety upon social interactions, etc
  • Trauma or Past painful experiences
  • Drugs or alcohol, etc


  • In the initial stages, leading a healthy lifestyle, a nutrient-rich diet, having restful sleep, and exercising can help
  • Avoiding caffeine-rich beverages, drugs, and alcohol
  • In the later stages, if things aren’t controlled then medical help is needed

2) Depression

Those suffering from depression often face fluctuations in mood and emotions. If you frequently find yourself at a loss of interest in life, then take it seriously. Depression may often interfere with regular lifestyle activities with a fall in participation in activities. Often depression stays for longer periods, even for years if left untreated.

Symptoms: Depression as one of the common mental problems includes symptoms like continued feelings of emptiness, guilt trips, hopelessness, fatigue, worthlessness, etc.


  • From persistent failure at workplaces
  • Emotional breakdown due to events like divorce
  • Financial insecurity
  • Trauma and stressful life events
  • Lack of support, etc


  • Joining therapies like cognitive and behavioral therapy
  • Open your thoughts to friends and family
  • Clinical support
  • Medications if prescribed include anxiolytics, antidepressants, etc

3) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD is marked by extreme desire or uncontrollable thoughts over a matter. These recurring thoughts lead to a kind of obsession along with repetitive behaviors also known as compulsions. If you have OCD, it will interfere with your normal life because of the typical time-consuming signs.

Symptoms: Germophobic signs, afraid of losing and misplacing things, arranging things in symmetrical patterns, frequent hand washing or cleansing, murmuring repetitive words, etc.


  • Family history or genetic reasons
  • Chemical imbalance in the brain


  • Support group counseling can help in getting rid of mild OCD
  • Therapies include Cognitive behavioral therapy, aversion, psycho-education, etc
  • Anxiolytic medicines to release stress and anxiety

4) Bipolar Disorder

The signs of depression and bipolar ailment are common. So, mental health problems like bipolar disorder are known for a series of mood swings including sudden highs and lows. Those having bipolar disorder often feel restless and reduced hours of sleep. If you have bipolarity, it can relate more to daydreaming than to reality.

Symptoms: The sudden high feeling or euphoria, loss of appetite, hyperactivity, fast-paced thoughts, and cross-talking over others.


  • Overwhelming lifestyle
  • Family or biological history
  • Chemical imbalances in the brain
  • The consumption of substances or drugs


  • Restriction on drugs and alcohol
  • Meditation and relatable exercises
  • Support group and psychotherapy

5) Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the mental health disorders whose exact cause is still not known. Those having schizophrenia find it tricky to link thoughts. They often express them in broken speeches. People with schizophrenia often lead a pessimistic life and have trouble remembering things.

Symptoms: Lack of motivation, interrupted speech, hallucinations, and illusions, having problems with thoughts, etc.


  • Mostly due to biological or family history
  • Taking drugs and substances


  • Medications
  • Psychotherapy

6) Addiction And Substance Use Disorder

The SUD disorder is a mental health issue where the individual shows a troubled pattern of substance or addiction consumption. Those having SUD show either of the two behaviors either a strong desire to take it or completely avoiding the substance.

Symptoms: Spending extra time having the substance or getting out from the effect, giving up on social activities, etc.


  • Due to heavy use
  • Occasional use and not what the medicated prescription advises
  • Side effects of the substances or drugs


Generally, drug tests are recommended to analyze the severity of the issue

7) Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not of a particular type and include variations. So, eating disorders are strenuous mental problems known for disruptions in eating behaviors. In such cases, you would have the extremes (like either loss of appetite or binge eating) and feel nauseated most of the time. Types of such disorders include anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, Pica, Rumination disorder, etc.

Symptoms: Severe gain or loss of weight, picky while eating food, puking, heavy exercising, fatigue or weakness, etc.


  • Insecurities including weight gain or loss
  • Genetical history of eating disorder
  • Urge to look perfect
  • Cultural reasons


You should consult a therapist and ask for their help

8) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a persistent kind of mental problem that continues from a tender age. Those having the chronic disorder find difficulty in concentration, hyperactivity along impulsiveness. Those having ADHD can improve their situation by treatment but can’t be cured completely.

Symptoms: Unable to sit or stand quietly, rapid physical movement, talkative, unable to attend classes, persistent fidgeting, etc.


  • Brain injury or hemorrhage
  • Low birth weight due to premature delivery
  • Smoking or addiction at prenatal stages


  • Therapies like Cognitive behavior therapy, family therapy, etc
  • Support group treatment
  • Stimulant and antihypertensive drugs

9) Dissociative Disorder

Both Dissociative disorder and Schizophrenia are mental problems that have some common symptoms. Having this means experiencing broken thoughts without finding any connections, feeling isolated, change in behavior, and identity crisis. Many patients with dissociative disorder have slight or severe amnesia depending on stages.

Symptoms: Cut off from the real world and surroundings, developing multiple identities, selective memory loss of specific time, intangible thoughts, etc.


  • Childhood trauma
  • Experiencing sexual abuse
  • Extended period of illness
  • Dysfunctional family life
  • Brain hemorrhage

Side erect of specific medication or drugs


Regular psychiatric therapies under professionals can improve the situation

10) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Someone having PTSD is influenced by mental health issues because of past trauma reasons. People can also encounter PTSD just by witnessing a specific event rather than experiencing it. In most cases, PTSD stays for months and if not addressed then for years. It would interrupt your healthy mindset and smooth day-to-day lifestyle.

Symptoms: Flashback of the terrifying events, nightmares, paranoia, periodic anxiety, change in mood and thinking.


  • Witnessing or experiencing serious events.
  • Sexual abuse and part of violence
  • Childhood negligence to emotional needs
  • Physical attack


  • Therapies like cognitive and exposure therapies
  • Opening up about the feeling with someone
  • Taking medicines like sertraline, fluoxetine, paroxetine, etc

So, treat all of these mental health situations in the early phases. If you or your dear ones are indicating any of the signs of mental disorders then ask for a professional doctor immediately. Remember, extreme conditions may lead to destructive suicidal thoughts, so better be cured in the early stages.


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