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Latest Posts: 10 Strategies To Improve Your SEO In 2024

Becoming A Successful Blogger In 2024

  • Rupak
  • January 15, 2024
  • 8 min read

Most people think becoming a successful blogger is fast and easy but the reality is becoming a successful blogger isn’t rat racing, it’s a long-term process that takes time. Blogging is all about sharing your ideas and thoughts in combination with expertise in your field.

When you share a blog post make sure you don’t write it for your own but surely for your audience who are struggling to find an answer or need a solution. To become a successful blogger you don’t have to invest financially instead of your time. If you have consistency and dedication, then you will become a professional blogger.

Sounds too much for you? Relax! Today we will share with you 20 smart ways to run your blogging sites effectively. So, you can establish yourself from scratch as a thriving blogger. Keep on reading below!


1. Enlist Your Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your blog is the most important step that you must not choose lightly. Your blog’s domain name acts like your unique residence address. It helps readers to identify and remember your blog name. So, record your web domain name. Nowadays domain names maintain price efficiency, making it easier to register them.

One of the main benefits of having a domain name is that it helps you understand the dynamics of the web world. Particularly, it shares the domain name exclusivity for your site in the first go. That is, as a blogger you are the only one owning the domain name, so it’s like creating your brand from scratch.


2. Decide On The Best Theme

It’s the theme of your website that creates the first impression of the overall look of your site. A balance of aesthetics and appropriate themes related to the blogging context is expected from you.

The right theme is profitable for your site in the long run because it gives you an upper hand related to branding. Platforms like WordPress have 3K+ themes for free or cheaper prices to choose from. Here, are some theme-related successful blog tips:

 Instead of flashy or complex layouts, go with simplicity. It also boosts the website speed

  • Match the theme with the purpose of your site. For example, be specific about themes relating to e-commerce, lifestyle, portfolio, etc.
  • Select themes that are compatible with different browsers including Google, Firefox, Safari, and Edge


3. Pick The Right Blogging Platform

Nowadays, there are many blogging platforms you can consider starting your freelancing journey. But choosing the right platform for your blogging website is important. Thus, as a beginner, it’s safer to choose a platform at low prices without compromising the reach. For that, WordPress is the best option which has a vast reach in comparison to other blogging platforms.

As soon as you grow your website on WordPress, learn a bit about SEO skills which will help you to reach your content to your audience gradually. Moreover, WordPress has a simple interface and is easy to register even for free.


4. Be Good With Typography

Among all tips, the important one is to have clarity while writing. To become a successful blogger you have to learn how to improve clarity while writing. Your write-ups must be readable and simple for the viewers. Avoid complex and long stretchy sentences. It’s better to go with some short paragraphs. Don’t mess up your blog with cluttered fancy terms. Instead, use standard mobile-friendly simple texts.


5. Don’t Use Boring Headlines

Not all readers are thorough readers but have a short span of attention. The best way to make your long write-ups look appealing is by using short catchy headlines. That’s also a part of the marketing tactics. So, be creative about the headlines, and make them short but relevant to your write-ups.

You can also do some research and look for other headlines of similar types and accordingly modify yours. Also, successful bloggers should know how to amaze readers just by adding apt punctuations like: “!”, “?”, etc.


6. Fix Your Text Font

In most of the successful blog sites, you will notice readable font sizes and styles. That’s your goal too. You should choose a simple-to-read font style and not a fancy one. Regarding font size, adjust the text size which is readable with bare eyes but not too big to look odd.


7. Put Your Own Signature Style

To become a successful blogger you need to put your own signature style of writing. Remember, that no two good bloggers will copy each other’s style. At least, that won’t work in the long run.

Before starting a successful blogging strategy, you can read multiple other blogs to get an idea about the engaging style. But as a writer, you should avoid their mistakes and blindly copy their style in haste. Here are some tips for you:

  • Have a writing style that is simple but engaging. It should appear that you are communicating with the readers
  • Understand your target readers and accordingly work on your writing style. For instance, if you are writing a blog for genZ, your writing tone should grasp their attention
  • Be cool with abbreviations like LMAO, GOAT, etc.


8. Maintain Relevant Content

A blogger is not only a writer but a constant observer of ongoing scenarios. You should have a sharp eye on the trendy topics that need to be addressed for the readers. Therefore, featuring strong content will inspire your readers to keep on visiting your blog.

If you run a blog site, ensure that you take up relevant subjects of discussion every time. Make sure that your blog stays in the main context and does not divert to irrelevant topics.


9. Build Connections With Other Bloggers

Having connections with other bloggers will help you greatly. You can stay updated about the digital world by connecting with them. Particularly, find bloggers of similar niches and content, and share your views, and feedback with them.

In return, they will revert to you. So, you can create a wider blogger community to share views and constructive criticisms if any. You can connect more people across the globe in this way.


10. Use Visuals Without Fail!

Visuals indeed express thousands of words that you fail with words. You can insert attractive images, gifs, or related videos to engage your readers till the end of your blog write-ups. Depending on niches, if there’s some scope try to add your personal clicked images related to the blogs.

Make sure to use either your personal clicked images that are free from the risk of copyright or you can use images without any copyright infringement. Otherwise, you can search for a website that allows you to share free images or if you can afford, buy from them. But again, don’t attach heavy visual files! It will slow your site and may lead to other access errors.


11. Avoid Technical Errors

Many experiences from bloggers prove that some silly technical errors can drive your readers away. So, be the first visitor to your blog and cross-check these technical errors. Such as the typical 404 error which appears when someone clicks on your link.

This 404 error happens when there are some missing resources on the site. There are many fixing tools available online, so make sure you add alternative links to it. Here are some blog tips to prevent these 404 technical errors:

  • Frequently clear the caches
  • Close the existing window and open the blog page on a new page
  • Redirect the 404 error to another URL using the blogging platform
  • Don’t use heavy visuals
  • Avoid complex templates and designs


12. Update Your Page Regularly

In the competition to appear on the first page, you need to be regular in updating stuff. There are many instances where even successful bloggers lose viewers because they fail to update their blogs. Most outdated blogs can become misleading eventually, which will affect the SEO ranking.

So, be regular in updating daily blogs. Shortlist a list of topics and post short but daily posts to compete with other blog sites. Even you must edit the existing blogs if the requirement is so. This will make your content flexible and reliable for the viewers.


13. Work On A Mobile Friendly Web

People carry mini-computers in their pocket and that’s no other than your smartphones. So, they prefer accessing websites from phones to laptop screens nowadays. Thus, as a blogger, it will become your responsibility to adjust the theme, font, and layout according to your mobile screen.

Make sure that your web format is also mobile-friendly, which ensures that the readers can remotely communicate, share, and comment on your blogs.


14. Help Readers To Know About You

Readers while scrolling through your blogs must be curious about you. So, get closer to them by mentioning yourself to them. Most successful blog sites either have an “About Me” or an “About Us” page.

So, you can create such a page or else add a bio that will appear at the end of every post. Here’s what to mention about you in the blog:

  • Write about your profession
  • Add your hobbies, likes and dislikes
  • Put your experience in the field
  • Share briefly what you are in person

Remember, that it’s not a formal biodata of yours. So, try to write about yourself with an engaging tone and as candidly as possible.


15. Attach Relevant Links

Linking your blog with relevant content or similar sites is a prime cross-marketing strategy. It’s one of the most useful blog tips that you simply can’t miss out on. But make sure that the website you are linking is relevant to your content.

Otherwise, it’s forced marketing and technically of no use! For example, if you are a fashion blogger, try to link your site with fashion reviews and products. It will give more insight to the readers and authentically boost your blog site.


16. Stay Active On Social Media

To win the title of a successful blogger, you can’t be passive on social media platforms. You must stay active there and parallely promote your blog on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Linked In.

Staying active on social media is good for your blog because it increases the chances of getting noticed there with more and more shares. You can also ask your friends and family to share the blog on their walls to attract views.


17. Be Strict With Plagiarism

Most successful bloggers write and produce unique content by following strict guidelines. All readers expect your blogs to be authentic and unique from others. So, it’s ethically and professionally not right to publish plagiarized content. If you want to enhance your blog for SEO ranking write 100% plagiarism-free content.

So, before starting a blog, you should be clear about how to avoid plagiarism. Here’s how:

  • Don’t directly copy someone’s content and modify it
  • Refer to multiple sites for taking ideas, and ultimately shaping your unique content
  • Simply rewriting the existing blogs is a failed trick!
  • Be analytical about your blogs
  • There are many trusted free and paid tools that you can access for plagiarism-free content
  • Even avoid AI-written content


18. Mention The URL In The Email Signature

Another minor but crucial step is to mention the URL in your email signature. This is important because, in this way, those unaware of your blog will get to know them easily. It’s a small but significant trick of marketing yourself as a successful blogger to others who will get the opportunity to know more about you


19. Do Track Your Page Rate

Even after setting up yourself as a successful blogger, you should keep track of your page rate. It’s no doubt a great indication if more audience is visiting your site. But more than that, what matters is who among the people is repeatedly visiting your blog. That ideally is your target audience.

So, identify those who sincerely follow your site and accordingly try to suit their interests. You can access many online tools that can help you track the number of visitors, their total visiting duration, etc. Regularly track their activity for the prospects of your blog.


20. Do Your Blogs Passionately!

Even though you are thinking about making money passively through blogging but don’t let it overshadow your passion! Let your passion flow while blogging as it will help to showcase your creative side.

Therefore, the key to starting a successful blog is your passion and all other motives are subordinate to it. So, whether it’s a writing part, deciding the themes, or attaching visuals, ultimately it would be your passion and zeal that should drive you.

To wrap up, the journey as a successful blogger has no final stoppage. You should have commitment and dedication throughout your journey to establish yourself as a successful blogger. Moreover, there’s no fixed science or art of blogging as such. So, find your creative path in the process where more and more readers will like to connect with you.


| Blogger | Digital Marketer | Content Writer | 🌟 I'm Rupak, a Passionate digital marketer, seasoned blogger, and content writer with over 5 years of expertise. My aim 🎯 is to empower small businesses and startups through tailored niche strategies aimed at fostering growth and success.

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